What is an Alert?

It is very important that suspicious activity always be reported to law enforcement (CALL 911). But, it is also very useful to report suspicious activity to the community. The community can make big strides toward reducing crime if it is aware of this activity citywide in a timely manner. Therefore, instead of isolated eyewitness reports, it is possible to get multiple reports of the incident. The more complete the information that is gathered, the more intelligent the response (and better chance of prosecution). This project is about gathering and communicating this valuable information and sharing it with law enforcement: please do not confront a suspect.

This project is a tool for reporting what appears to be criminal behavior to your neighbors. First, observe carefully what is happening and note important details...description of suspect, make, model, color and license # of a car (is license out of state?). Next, call 911 and report the event. Lastly, post an alert here to share the details with the community.