
krimelabb.com provides this information "as is" without warranty of any kind. Although every attempt is made to insure the data is correct, it may include inaccuracies, omissions, typographical or other errors. krimelabb does not assume any liability for any decision made or action taken or not taken by the recipient in reliance upon any information or data provided. The data is not considered official data for any of the data sources (Austin Police Department, Travis County Inmate Information, Travis County District Court, Downtown Austin Community Court or any other sourct).

krimelabb.com is not responsible for inaccuracies and omissions that are based on information from other sources. All arrestees referenced on the pages of krimelabb.com are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Much of the information and photos presented in krimelabb.com is obtained from public documents and other sources including Austin Police Department's Incident Reports Database, Google Maps and Google Streetview. Some of this material is available under the Freedom of Information Act and Texas Public Information Act.

Austin Police Departments’s crime database as well as other sources are continuously updated, so reports run at different points in time may produce different results. Care should be taken when comparing against other reports as different data collection methods and different data sources may have been used.

Please report errors, omissions, redundancies, expungements, etc. Please provide documentation such as full police report or certified copy of your expungement. krimelabb.com does NOT charge $$$ to correct errors, omissions or remove expunged information.